Monday, March 22, 2010

Happy one month, Chile!

Almost two weeks and no post!  My apologies. These past two weeks have absolutely FLOWN by, so I hope you'll pardon the lack of posts on my part.

So let's see... as far as the replicas and the blackout last week, all is fine and there's nothing to worry about around here.  I slept through the blackout and barely felt the replicas, so neither really freaked me out too much.  The people around me were definitely pretty shaken up, though; all activities and events were canceled the day of the replicas, and everything was covered non-stop by every news channel on TV.   I guess country-wide blackouts and 6.0+ aftershocks will do that to people. 

Classes at La Católica started two weeks ago, as I mentioned, and they seem to be going pretty well.  I also got the news last week that La Chile's schedule has been changed again (exchange students no longer have to stay until July 30th), so I'm going to try to take a class or two over there if I can.  Excellent! I'm so glad they changed that up. I'm already signed up for a few classes at La Católica, and I should have my full schedule (with classes at La Chile) set by next week.  Honestly, I'm just glad that things are finally getting started; I'm excited to have a set schedule and the opportunity to meet new people.  All of this waiting around for the past month has been killing me, no lie.

We went to the beach at Viña del Mar this weekend, which was pretty nice.  It was good to get out of the city and sprawl out on the beach for a couple days.  Hopefully I'll be able to get a few pictures up, but we'll see.  ¡Chilenismos!

Chilenismos* of the Day
(* know) 
Jote: Technically, "vulture." Slang-wise, un hombre muy jote = that dude at the club who keeps trying to get at you and won't leave you alone, to the point where it's annoying and a problem.  Fitting, right?
Apagarse la tele: Literally, "to turn off the TV."  To black out after too many drinks.

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