Thursday, April 8, 2010

My beautiful Chilean family

Not the best picture, but here they are:
So here's the break-down:  The two in the back are my host parents, Kelly and Carlos (the best).  Their children (my host siblings) are Javier (in the yellow jersey, the youngest sibling; the pretty girl with him is his polola, Sofia), Coty (the squinty one with the baby; her live-in boyfriend/quasi-husband is Jean Paul, on the far left), and Jose Miguel (in the white on the right, the oldest) with his wife Greta (in the dress).

Anways, the heart-melter:
My host grandmother (Kelly's mom) with Jean Luc (Jean Paul and Coty's first-born).  Kelly calls him her little porotito, which just destroys me (poroto= bean, so porotito is something along the lines of her "little bean," only cuter.   Heart melted.)  He is way too cute for words.

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