Monday, April 19, 2010

Things that are going to make me fat, Part I

For the most part, Chilean food is not that exciting.  Not a whole lot of flavor, NO heat whatsoever (someone send me some hot sauce!), and just generally... I dk, standard.  Lots of corn. Whatever.  What they DO do really well is carbs.  CHILEANS LOVE THEIR CARBS (almost as much as me).  Which is why I am starting a brand new section: "Things that are going to make me fat in Chile."  Enjoy.

1. Manjar
That's right: manjar.  Otherwise known as dulce de leche, manjar is like a sweets-lover's wet dream.  It comes in all forms (soft, hard, spreadable, chewable...), and it's EVERYWHERE. Cookies, cakes, crepes, little rolled-up ice cream cones on the street (barquillos)... there's no escaping it.  Not that you'd WANT to, anyways.
Alfajores: chocolate-covered, manjar-filled cookies.  Very typical.  They're everywhere.

Did I not say that it came in all forms?

2. Pancito
Breakfast, lunch, dinner, avocado, cheese, jam, butter... really, bread goes with everything, at any time.  I don't think the Atkins diet would be REMOTELY possible here.
 The infamous round, holey (holy...?) bread, found in EVERY SINGLE Chilean home.  Not lying.

3.Mote con Huesillos
They sell it everywhere, but I hadn't tried it until yesterday on the cerro.  That's probably a blessing, because if I'd tried it earlier I probably would weigh at least 10 pounds more by now from drinking it every day.
 Nectar of the gods.  Peaches (huesillo) floating in some delicious, sugary, peachy-ish nectar with wheat (mote). Sounds weird, but it is OUT OF CONTROL.  Easily the most refreshing (and sugary) beverage on the planet.  Definitely learning how to make this and bringing it home. It is too good.

4. High abundance of ice cream
 I have never come across anyone who loves ice cream as much as myself, but Chile, as a country, gives me a good run for my money.  It is *literally* everywhere.  My favorite place is a spot called Emporio La Rosa; they make all their own ice creams in crazy flavors like mint raspberry (sooo refreshing), mango green tea (surprisingly subtle), and, my favorite, chocolate con albahaca.  Tried it (even though I didn't know what albahaca was), LOVED it, went home, looked it up in the dictionary, and you know what? Albahaca is "basil."  And it's DELICIOUS. Chocolate and basil ice cream? New favorite.

Haven't done any Chilenismos in a while...

Chilenismo* of the Day
(*only one today)

Olor a rodillas: really, really smelly.  "But Kate, why 'a rodillas'? Knees don't stink!"  Because, my friends, your rodillas (knees) are half-way between feet and ass.  Best of both worlds! Chuta, ¡él tiene olor a rodillas!

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